Staff Cohesion: PART 10 of 12 - How Social Interaction in the Workplace Impacts Staff Cohesion

My last blog was about Learning Together. This blog is all about a topic which can be easy for some and more difficult for others. While the world and workplace are filled with beautiful humans, some are more apt to stay to themselves while others are inclined to be the life of the party. In order to create positive and healthy social interactions it is important to be willing to recognize and appreciate these differences. It is also essential not to assume that everyone socializes or wants to socialize the same way.

In this blog, I am doing things a little differently. I usually ask reflection questions at the end but this time I am weaving them throughout as well as offering some culminating reflection questions at the end. I hope this helps you truly dive in and contemplate this topic.

The Power of Social Interaction in the Workplace

In the bustling world of work, where tasks and targets often take the forefront, connecting teammates together is often found in the unscripted moments of social interaction. It's the “coffee” breaks, the shared laughter, and the casual conversations that are the catalyst for staff cohesion. These seemingly small interactions contribute significantly to building a positive and unified workplace culture.

  • What do you see in your workplace?

  • Are people’s heads down, in their work, and rarely taking breaks?

  • What, if anything, do people talk about when they are in the elevator together, or passing in the hallway, or even in the next cubicle over?

The Heart of the Matter

Social interactions form the heartbeat of a cohesive workplace. They transcend the confines of job titles and hierarchies, allowing team members to connect on a human level. When colleagues know each other beyond their professional roles, it creates an environment where trust can flourish. Trust, in turn, is the magic potion that transforms a group of individuals into a closely-knit team. This doesn’t mean that work doesn’t happen. It simply suggests that weaving in opportunities for colleagues to learn about one another cultivates connection and trust which in turn fosters a happier workplace in which productivity rises!

  • If you were given the opportunity to learn about another colleague, what would you want to know?

  • How could knowing this support you?

  • How could you asking about your colleague support them?

Catalyst for Collaboration

In the informal exchanges between colleagues, the seeds of collaboration are sown. These interactions create a sense of camaraderie, making it easier for individuals to share ideas and collaborate on projects. When social bonds are strong, the barriers to communication are lowered, paving the way for more effective collaboration.

  • Have you felt a deep desire to collaborate with others at work?

  • If so, what has made that possible?

  • If not, what is getting in the way?

The Joy Factor - One of my favorite things to work on with organizations and businesses!

Workplaces thrive when there's a healthy dose of joy. Social interactions inject a sense of enjoyment into the workday. Whether it's celebrating birthdays, sharing funny anecdotes, or engaging in team-building activities - like watching laughing babies or silly animals on YouTube for 3 minutes together, these moments of joy contribute to a positive and uplifting work atmosphere. A happy workplace is a cohesive workplace.

  • What is happening in your workplace to create and maintain joy?

  • If nothing, what ideas do you have that may be well received?

  • How do you create joy at work for yourself, if nothing else is happening to create it?

Culminating Reflection Questions:

  1. How often do you engage in social interactions with your colleagues?

  2. Do you feel a sense of camaraderie and trust within your team?

  3. What are some ways you can enhance social interactions in your workplace?

Potential Action Steps:

  1. Organize regular team-building activities: Plan activities that encourage team members to interact in a relaxed setting. This could be anything from a monthly game night, to watching silly cat or dog videos to team lunches. You could create a gratitude board where folks can thank colleagues for support or a job well done.

  2. Create dedicated social spaces: Designate areas in the workplace where employees can gather informally. A cozy break room or a communal kitchen can be a catalyst for spontaneous interactions.

  3. Encourage open communication: Foster an environment where colleagues feel comfortable sharing both work-related and personal experiences. This could be facilitated through regular check-ins or informal gatherings.

In the challenges of the workplace, the sweetest moments are often felt in the casual opportunities of social interaction. Embracing and nurturing these moments isn't just about creating a friendly workplace; it's about building a resilient and tightly-knit team that prioritizes connection as part of the daily mission of the workplace.

Please share your thoughts and experiences on this week’s topic!

In solidarity and with love,

Misha Safran, PCC, MA

Leader and Organizational Trainer and Coach, Author, and Speaker


Staff Cohesion: PART 11 of 12 - How Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Impacts Staff Cohesion


Staff Cohesion: PART 9 of 12 - How Learning Together Impacts Staff Cohesion